Thank you to our freelance contributor Cynthia Milo for writing this amazing article for us……
While many wedding trends come and go, one trend that is growing faster than anyone could have expected is including the family pet on the big day.
But it’s hardly surprising given that Australia is home to an astonishing 25 million pets.
With 63% of households owning a pet, boasting one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world.
But our cats and dogs are more than just pets, they are important members of the family, so it’s not surprising that an increasing number of couples are including their pets into their wedding planning.
How to involve your pet in your wedding?
There a number of ways your dog could be involved in your wedding.
Perhaps they could walk down the aisle with a bridesmaid or groomsmen before heeling at their side.
They could act as ring bearer, or even be a doggy flower girl and carry a basket of petals.
You may want to save the special time with your pet for the wedding photos, away from guests or specific, high-stress roles.
Planning for Your Pet on Your Big Day
The last thing either of you will want to do on your wedding day is worrying about your dog or picking up their poop, regardless of how much you adore them.
That’s why a pet sitter will become invaluable.
That way you can have peace of mind that your dog is happy and safe, while you and your guests have a great time.
Make sure you bring along plenty of food, water and a bow, along with plenty of toys to keep them entertained.
While you may want your dog to be a key part of your wedding day, you should still bring along their leash.
Don’t Forget the Doggy Wedding Wardrobe
If you do want your pet to wear a special wedding-themed outfit, it’s so important that you ensure it fits them properly and they are completely comfortable with wearing it.
Get them used to wearing it before the big day and if they aren’t comfortable in it, then perhaps just stick to a doggy bowtie instead.
Even without the usual worries about the weather, dress disasters, late caterers or missing rings, your wedding day can be an incredibly nerve-wracking experience.
But having your pet there with you can help settle your nerves and make it an even more special day.
You just need to make sure that your pet is comfortable and happy during the celebrations.